Free dake bible online

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We believe that every person should have access to God's Word. It has changed people's lives throughout human history, as God speaks directly into the hearts of His beloved creation. There is nothing else that can impact our lives the way that God's Word does. The Bible is a treasure with immeasurable value to our lives. He also teaches us about ourselves, the history of the world, and our role within it. Through it, God reveals His very character. The Bible is God's Word, given to humanity for guidance, instruction, and wisdom. God desires for you to live in His Word, and nothing is stopping you from starting today! You will enjoy listening to the Bible online with this audible Bible. Our Bible audio online is easily accessible and guides you to any point in the Scriptures that you want to hear. Do you have the desire to start reading God's Word but don't know where to start? Do you prefer to listen to an audiobook wherever you may be instead of finding the time and place to sit down with a book? We have a free Audio Bible KJV available to you today.

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